Room 112
1st Grade
Ms. Evans
Welcome Back
Hi! My name is Tasha Evans and I teach first grade. I have been teaching over twenty five years. I have a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Education. I love teaching the primary grades and first grade is the best!
Welcome to First Grade at Bennett Elementary
Dear Parents and Students,
Hello! My name is Ms. Evans and I am going to be your first grade teacher. I hope your summer was relaxful and filled with great memories, laughs, and fun times with your family and friends. I am excited to have you in my class this year at Bennett Elementary School. We are going to have a great year learning together. We both will do our best to work together and grow as individuals. It will take hard work and patience to achieve our goals. Please be ready to try your best every day, bring your school supplies, and have a positive attitude!!!!
School Supplies: Parents please label all school supplies.
book bag
supply bag or box
2 folders- one for homework, one for classwork
glue sticks
1 box of Primary pencils
2 boxes of crayons or more because they break or get lost
2 boxes of kleenex PLEASE
2 notebooks- one for Writing, one for Math