Room 207
4th- 5th Grade
Mr. Hamilton
Welcome Back
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Welcome back! It’s been quite a year, but we are so pleased and excited to have you back and in-person. We have high expectations, and if we work as a T.E.A.M (Together Everyone Achieves More) we can accomplish our goals. This year your departmental teachers will be, Ms.Lewis, Mr. Hamilton, Mrs. Edwards and Ms. Shipp.
Throughout the year we will strengthen and expand our skills as readers, writers, and mathematicians as we tackle new concepts and challenges in all content areas. We look forward to everyone being back in the classroom. In preparation for a successful school year, we ask that you kindly purchase the following list of supplies for school.
Pencils, black or blue pens (2)
Pack of yellow post-its (3x3)
2 folders
Composition book
1 highlighter
Spiral notebook
Colored Pencils
Flash drive (recommended)
Notebook paper
Notebook Paper
Mechanical Pencils
1 Folder (blue)
1 Pack of Fine-Tip Dry Erase Markers (black)
Spiral Notebook (blue) 120 sheets or more
Pack of yellow post-its (3x3)
Social Studies/ Science
Pack of yellow post-its (3x3)
Composition book – 1
Notebook paper
Pack of four folders
Colored Pencils