Physical Education
Coach V (Volious)
Welcome Back
My name is Aubrey “Coach V” Volious. I am the Physical Education Teacher at Bennett Elementary School. I have a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Physical Education from Iowa State University and a Master’s of Science degree in Physical Education from Chicago State University. Currently, I am the Associate Head Men’s Basketball Coach at Governors State University. I have coached at the NCAA Div. 1 level. Also, I’ve been a Head Coach at the Jr. College level, the NAIA level, and coached professionally for 1 year. I enjoy working with young people whether it’s on the elementary, high school, or college level.
Dear Parent or Guardian:
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Aubrey Volious, but I invite you to call me Coach V. I will be your child’s Physical Education Teacher for the school year and I look forward to meeting you as well.
Please note below, the grading system as well as the rules and regulations for Physical Education class.
Grading System
A 90 - 100 Assignments 25%
B 80 - 89 Assessment 25%
C 70 - 79 Class Participation 25%
D 65 - 69 Homework 15%
F 64 - 0 Projects 10%
“Class Rules”
· Due to safety issues and concerns, the following items are not allowed in the gym during gym class:
1. Cell Phones
2. Any type of watches
3. Ear Pods
4. Any type of jewelry, for example: earrings, necklaces, chains, bracelets, etc.
5. Any electronic devices
On gym days, you should leave these items at home or place them in your locker.
· Due to Common Core, students in 3rd – 8th grades are required to submit written work. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
· Primary grades (K-2nd) will be given the opportunity to present their homework assignments orally and written.
· There will be no talking when the PE Teacher is speaking to the class.
· All students will keep their hands to themselves.
· There will be no pushing, tripping or horse playing allowed in class.
· There will be no eating, drinking, gum chewing, candy, etc. allowed in class.
· All students must participate fully in every class in order to achieve the best grade you can receive.
· All students are required to be in their school’s PE Uniform, or appropriate gym attire approved by the PE teacher.
· Students must wear their gym attire for every gym class. For example: Bennett School PE Uniform, shorts, and t-shirt, sweat top and bottoms, gym shoes only.
· If you don’t have a Bennett PE Uniform, you can wear shorts and a t-shirt. The t-shirt cannot have offensive writing. Young ladies are allowed to wear leggings with a long t-shirt.
· If you’ve purchased a Bennett sweat suit, both top and bottom, you only can wear it to school on your gym day as your school uniform. It has to be a Bennett PE sweat suit top and bottom only. We have a uniform dress code at Bennet School.
Parents please sign and have your child return to Mr. Volious ASAP.
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
Student’s Homeroom: ___________________________________________________________
Home/Cell Number: _____________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________________
Aubrey “Coach V” Volious
Dear Parents,
All students will be required to purchase and wear a P.E. Uniform for their Physical Education Class. Gym T-Shirts are $6.00 and the Gym Shorts are $7.50. All students must have both for class. Note: 2XL and 3XL uniforms are an additional cost (see below). Sweat tops and sweatpants are both $12.00 each. The sweats can be purchased separately. Note: 2XL and 3XL sweat tops and sweatpants are an additional cost. (see below).
Students who purchase the entire sweat suit may wear as their uniform to school. This can only be worn the day you are scheduled for gym!!
Please order now to ensure that your child has a PE Uniform as soon as possible.
Payments must be made by MONEY ORDERS only (NO EXCEPTIONS!!!)