Open House
Open House Event. Monday, August 29, 2023 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Please join us for an open house event as we venture into learning at Bennett Elementary School.
Refreshments will be served. Hope to see you there.

First Day of School
Welcome Back!! We are soo excited to have you back for an exciting new School Year.

Harvest Moon Parade
PK-3rd Grade students will Parade around the school for all to see.
Only PK-3rd Grade students are allowed to dress up.
Celebrations will be held at the end of the school day: 2:45 PM- 3:45 PM
Healthy individually wrapped treats are allowed.

Title 1 Parent Meeting
Please join us for Breakfast as we discuss the “State of the School”, Attendance and much more important Information.
Breakfast will be provided

School Improvement Day
School Improvement Day
School improvement day for staff; no classes for CPS students.

Open House
Join us for Open House! Parents/ Guardians, please attend, your child’s class could receive a special lunch , just for your participation. See you there!

First Day of School
Welcome Back!! We are so happy to see you back for the 2022-2023 School Year. Let’s make it a great year!

Back To School Bash
Join us August 20,200 11:00 AM-2:00 PM For our Back to school Bash. Free Food, Backpack Giveaway; EXTREME SLIDES.
First Day of School
Welcome Back Students, Parents, Teachers and Staff! “We’re All in this Together”.
Back to School Bash
“ We’re All in This Together”
Come join us for a fantastic day of Fun!
Come visit the Petting Zoo, Bouncy House, Dunk a Staff Member and more.
You don’t want to miss it. We will even have the Medical Van in attendance so your child can be Medically Compliant.
Medical Van
Bennett Students!!
We want you to be Medically Compliant by August 24th.
You must complete the Medical Van Permission slip and have your child present as a participant on August 26th at 9:00 AM for our scheduled Medical Van.
Monthly PAC Meeting
Please Join us Virtually for our monthly PAC Meeting
Next Meeting: TBA
PAC Meeting
Please Join us Virtually for our monthly PAC Meeting
Next Meeting: June 14, 2021- 4:30 PM
April School Board Meeting
CPS Loop Office, Garden Level, Board Room
42 W. Madison Street, Chicago, IL 60602
Additional information is available at https://cpsboe.org