IMPORTANT WARNING: Please be mindful that your child may be recorded during the sessions. All CPS devices are monitored.


Attendance Matters

Class Time: 

8:45 a.m.  –  3:45 p.m. daily

Students are REQUIRED to log into Google Meets daily using CPS Gmail Accounts only in order to be marked in attendance.  CPS Email Account Access & Google Classrooms;  Password Reset - Click Here

E-mails, passwords, schedules and log in/ Google class codes can be obtained from the homeroom teachers.

For Internet Connectivity, go to Chicago Connected at  Chicago Connected for Internet Connection Support

Parent Tech Support Hotline (773) 417–1060

Contact our school clerk for registration/other questions.  (773) 535-5460, Option 0


Google Classroom, Hangouts/Meets

Google Classroom to get assignment instructions, submit work to your teacher, and participate in online class discussions

Google Meet to participate in online class meetings hosted by your teacher

Google Chat to send direct messages or have a group conversation

Google Communication Tools Guide 

Google Parent Guides

** Request a Device Click here to request a device

Google Classroom Participation


●      Attendance is REQUIRED, not just submission of work. All work must be submitted via Google Classroom for grading.

●      Students are required to participate in synchronous learning, teacher led instruction and complete asynchronous learning/independent assignments.

●      Regular grades will be given instead of pass/fail.

●      Mics must be muted while teachers are talking/unmute for discussion or when prompted.

●      Dress Attire: Students are to be fully dressed/covered and out of bed.

●      A quiet work place is needed.  Inappropriate language, content and/or behavior will not be tolerated.  Adhere to CPS Student Code of Conduct CPS Code of Conduct  and Acceptable Use Policy .

Please be mindful that all CPS devices will be monitored remotely by Go Guardian and class sessions will be recorded.