
About Frank Ira Bennett Elementary School

Frank Ira Bennett Elementary concentrates on providing students with a solid education in the basics while also developing critical learning and thinking skills. Instructional programs include an extensive phonics program, additional literacy/reading instruction, and an integrated computer lab. Bennett has several partnerships including the University of Illinois Chicago.

We will make learning meaningful for all students and maximize every available moment to teach!

Our Mission at the Bennett School is to provide all students with high-quality instruction. We will provide an environment where all students can achieve to their maximum potential. We strive to develop the whole child so that they leave us well rounded with a wealth of knowledge and experiences. We aim to make our students college and or career ready and to equip them with the tools necessary to compete and be successful with the global society.

​Bennett's priorities for the next two years are MTSS, Instruction, and Balanced Assessment and Grading.